HomeNEWSJAPAN Technical Interns Training Visa (Over 18)

2021.04.24Technical Interns Training Visa (Over 18)

In Japan’s bid to contribute to the international community, the Technical Intern Training Program (TITP) was initiated with the primary purpose of encouraging foreign young or middle-aged individuals to hone and improve their skills, experience, and technical know-how in Japan with the end goal of contributing to the development of the industries in their respective home countries. With this, the Japanese International Training Cooperation Organization (JITCO) was tasked to ensure the smooth operations of the program and coordinate with various other agencies internationally to provide, among others, support and assistance for aspiring technical trainees.

There are generally two modes of applying for this program, namely:

For detailed information regarding this program implemented by JITCO, please refer to their official website:

General Requirements:

I. For the applicant

a. Must be at least 18 years of age

b. The technology, skills, or knowledge that the applicant intends to study in Japan technical in nature and not something that can be learned through mere repetition of simple work

c. The technology, skills, or knowledge must be difficult or impossible to obtain in the applicant’s home country

d. The applicant is expected to apply his/her experiences in Japan to the relevant industry in his/her home country

II. For the Sponsoring organization

a. The applicant trainee must be placed under the guidance and supervision of a full-time employee of the sponsoring organization who has at least five years of experience in the particular technology, skills, or knowledge applied for by the trainee

III. Other Requirements:

a. Confirmation of the proposed activities that the trainee shall undertake in order to obtain the intended technology, skill, or knowledge.

b. Preparation of documentation to support the training activity including the following, among others:

i. Detailed Training Plan

ii. Certification of the Trainee Applicant that his/her experiences shall be implemented in the appropriate industry of his/her home country upon return

iii. Documents in relation to applicant’s professional career

iv. Documents in support of the trainer’s professional career and his/her qualifications to provide training

v. Information on the foreign organization that intends to send the applicant to Japan for training

vi. Details of the company inviting the applicant for training

c. Japan Training Visa Certificate of Eligibility


Between 6 months to 3 years depending on the duration of the permitted training plan.

For additional details with regard to the Technical Intern Training Visa, please take a look at the links below.


Technical Intern Training Program

Japan Training Visa for Interns

The Japan Training Visa

Technical Intern and Training Program

Technical Intern Training Program